You can list the all the Pods for a Service using:
kubectl describe svc whoami
# OR
kubectl get endpoints whoami
Endpoints are Kubernetes objects, but they’re usually managed by Services and you don’t create them yourself
You can create a Service with no matching Pods by adding a label:
There are no Pods which match because the whoami Pod doesn’t have a version
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get endpoints whoami-zero-matches
kubectl exec sleep -- nslookup whoami-zero-matches
kubectl exec sleep -- curl -v -m 5 http://whoami-zero-matches
There’s an IP address for the Service but no endpoints, so the curl call times out
Many Pods can run with the same labels. Deploy a second whoami Pod with the same spec as the first - only the name needs to change:
kubectl apply -f
kubectl get po -o wide -l app=whoami
kubectl get endpoints whoami
Both Pod IP addresses are registered as Service endpoints
kubectl exec sleep -- curl -v http://whoami
The IP in the response is the Pod IP, the requested IP is the Service. Repeat the call and the Pod IP in the response changes - the Service load-balances requests between Pods.
Back to the exercises.