
Configuring Apps with Secrets

ConfigMaps are flexible for pretty much any application config system, but they’re not suitable for sensitive data. ConfigMap contents are visible in plain text to anyone who has access to your cluster.

For sensitive information Kubernetes has Secrets. The API is very similar - you can surface the contents as environment variables or files in the Pod contianer - but there are additional safeguards around Secrets.

API specs

Secrets and Pod YAML - environment variables

Secret values can be base-64 encoded and set in YAML data:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: configurable-secret-env
  Configurable__Environment: cHJlLXByb2QK

The metadata is standard - you’ll reference the name of the Secret in the Pod spec to load settings.

In the Pod spec you add a reference:

    - name: app
      image: sixeyed/configurable:21.04
        - secretRef:
            name: configurable-secret-env

Creating Secrets from encoded YAML

Modelling your app to use Secrets is the same as with ConfigMaps - loading environment variables or mounting volumes.

In the container environment, Secret values are presented as plain text.

Start by deploying the configurable app using ConfigMaps:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable

📋 Check the details of a ConfigMap and you can see all the values in plain text.

kubectl get configmaps

kubectl describe cm configurable-env

That’s why you don’t want sensitive data in there.

This YAML creates a Secret from an encoded value, and loads it into environment variables in a Deployment:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-encoded

Browse to the website and you can see the plain-text value for Configurable:Environment

Creating Secrets from plaintext YAML

Encoding to base-64 is awkward and it gives you the illusion your data is safe. Encoding is not encryption, and you can easily decode base-64.

If you want to store sensitive data in plaintext YAML, you can do that instead. You’d only do this when your YAML is locked down:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-plain

Refresh the site and you’ll see the updated config value

Working with base-64 Secret values

Secrets are always surfaced as plaintext inside the container environment.

They may be encrypted in the Kubernetes database

But that is not the default setup. You can also integrate Kubernetes with third-party secure stores like Hashicorp Vault and Azure KeyVault (the Secrets CSI driver and external-secrets projects are popular options).

Kubectl always shows Secrets encoded as base-64, but that’s just a basic safety measure.

Windows doesn’t have a base64 command, so run this PowerShell script if you’re on Windows:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force

. ./scripts/windows-tools.ps1

This only affects your current PowerShell session, it doesn’t make any permanent changes to your system.

You can fetch the data item from a Secret, and decode it into plaintext:

kubectl describe secret configurable-env-plain

kubectl get secret configurable-env-plain -o jsonpath="{.data.Configurable__Environment}"

kubectl get secret configurable-env-plain -o jsonpath="{.data.Configurable__Environment}" | base64 -d

In production you’ll need to understand how your cluster secures Secrets at rest. You’ll also use Role-Based Access Control (which you can learn about in the RBAC lab) to limit who can work with Secrets in Kubectl.

Creating Secrets from files

Some organizations have separate configuration management teams. They have access to the raw sensitive data, and in Kubernetes they would own the management of Secrets.

The product team would own the Deployment YAML which references the Secrets and ConfigMaps. The workflow is decoupled, so the DevOps team can deploy and manage the app without having access to the sensitive data.

Play the config management team with access to secrets on your local disk:

📋 Create secrets from the files in labs/secrets/secrets.

kubectl create secret generic configurable-env-file --from-env-file ./labs/aks/secrets/secrets/configurable.env 

kubectl create secret generic configurable-secret-file --from-file ./labs/aks/secrets/secrets/secret.json

Now play the DevOps team, deploying the app using the secrets that already exist:

kubectl apply -f ./labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-file

Browse to the app and now you can see another config source - the secret.json file


Configuration loaded into volume mounts is managed by Kubernetes. If the source ConfigMap or Secret changes, Kubernetes pushes the change into the container filesystem.

But the app inside the Pod might not check the mount for file updates, so as part of a configuration change you would need to force a rollout of the Deployment to recreate the Pods and load the new config.

That isn’t a great option - it makes for a multi-stage update process, with the risk that steps get forgotten. Come up with an alternative approach so when you apply changes to a Secret in YAML, the Deployment rollout happens as part of the same update.

Stuck? Try hints or check the solution.

EXTRA Environment variable overrides

Understanding the env and envFrom hierachy

You’ll often have multiple configuration sources in your Pod spec. Config quickly sprawls and it makes sense to centralize it as much as possible - if all your apps use the same logging config, then store that in one ConfigMap and use it in all the Deployments.

Breaking down configuration makes it easier to manage, but you need to understand how different sources get merged so you know the priority order. Your app logic decides the priority of different sources, but Kubernetes decides the priority for overlapping environment variables.

If the same key appears in env and envFrom, this is the order of precedence:

kubectl apply -f ./labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-overlapping

Browse and you’ll see the precedence order in action.

EXTRA Managing config updates

Manually rolling out changes

Some apps support hot reloads of configuration - they watch the config files, and if the contents change they automatically reload settings.

Others only load settings at startup, and if you change the file contents in a ConfigMap or Secret the app won’t reload.

This is only for config you load with volume mounts - environment variables are static for the life of the Pod

If you know your app does hot reloads then your update process is simple, just apply the changed ConfigMap or Secret and wait.

Kubernetes caches the contents so it will take a few minutes for all the nodes to get the latest content, and for the app to see the change in the filesystem.

Deploy the web app with a new setting:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-update

Check the value in your web app - in the secrets.json section you should see Configurable__ConfigVersion=v1

Now deploy the updated config in v1-update:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/secrets/specs/configurable/secrets-update/v1-update

Refresh the app and it will still show the old value. The time taken to update depends on the Kubernetes Secret cache policy and on any caching the app does.

Check if the file contents are updated in the Pod:

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- cat /app/secrets/secret.json

If the file contents are updated but the app doesn’t change, it may not support hot reloads, or it’s caching too agressively. You can force an update to all the Pods in a Deployment with the rollout restart command:

kubectl rollout restart deploy/configurable 

Now the site will show the latest version


kubectl delete all,cm,secret -l