
Configuring Apps with ConfigMaps

There are two ways to store configuration settings in ConfigMaps - either as key-value pairs, which you’ll surface as environment variables, or as text data which you’ll surface as files in the container filesystem.

API specs

YAML overview

ConfigMap and Pod YAML - using environment variables

Key-value pairs are defined in YAML like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: configurable-env
  Configurable__Environment: uat

The metadata is standard - you’ll reference the name of the ConfigMap in the Pod spec to load settings.

In the Pod spec you add a reference:

    - name: app
      image: sixeyed/configurable:21.04
        - configMapRef:
            name: configurable-env

ConfigMap and Pod YAML - using the container filesystem

Text files are defined in the same YAML structure, with an entry for each file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: configurable-override
  override.json: |-
      "Configurable": {
        "Release": "21.04.01"

Careful with the whitespace - the file data needs to be indented one stop more than the filename

The API spec is the same, but in this format:

In the Pod spec you can load all the values into the container filesystem as volume mounts:

    - name: app
      image: sixeyed/configurable:21.04
        - name: config-override
          mountPath: "/app/config"
          readOnly: true
    - name: config-override
        name: configurable-override

Volumes are defined at the Pod level - they are storage units which are part of the Pod environment. You load the storage unit into the container filesystem using a mount.

Run the configurable demo app

Swith the context to minikube

 kubectl config use-context minikube

The demo app for this lab has the logic to merge config from multiple sources.

Defaults are built into the appsettings.json file inside the Docker image - run a Pod with no config applied to see the defaults:

kubectl run configurable --image=sixeyed/configurable:21.04 --labels=''

kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod configurable

kubectl port-forward pod/configurable 8080:80

These are useful commands for quick testing or debugging, but in real life it’s all YAML

Check the app at http://localhost:8080 (or your node’s IP address if you have a remote cluster).

You see the default configuration settings from the JSON file in the container image. The environment variables come from Dockerfile, plus the container OS and some set by Kubernetes.

📋 Exit the port-forward and remove the Pod.

# Ctrl-C to exit the command

kubectl delete pod configurable

Setting config with environment variables in the Pod spec

The Pod spec is where you apply configuration:

📋 Deploy the app from the folder labs/configmaps/specs/configurable/

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/configmaps/specs/configurable/

You can check the environment variable is set by running printenv inside the Pod container:

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- printenv | grep __

You should see Configurable__Release=24.01.1

📋 Confirm that by browsing to the app from your Service.

# print the Service details:
kubectl get svc -l app=configurable

Setting config with environment variables in ConfigMaps

Environment variables in Pod specs are fine for single settings like feature flags. Typically you’ll have lots of settings and you’ll use a ConfigMap:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/configmaps/specs/configurable/config-env/

This creates a new ConfigMap and updates the Deployment. Remember which object the Deployment uses to manage Pods?

📋 Print the environment variables set in the updated Pod.

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- printenv | grep __

You should see the release is now 24.01.2 and there’s a new setting Configurable__Environment=uat

Setting config with files in ConfigMaps

Environment variables are limited too. They’re visible to all processes so there’s a potential to leak sensitive information. There can also be collisions if the same keys are used by different processes.

The filesystem is a more reliable store for configuration; permissions can be set for files, and it allows for more complex config with nested settings.

The demo app can use JSON configuration as well as environment variables, and it supports loading additional settings from an override file:

kubectl apply -f labs/aks/configmaps/specs/configurable/config-json/

Refresh the web app and you’ll see new settings coming from the config/override.json file

📋 Check the filesystem inside the container to see the file loaded from the ConfigMap into the /app/config path.

Explore the container filesystem with exec commands:

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- ls /app/

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- ls /app/config/

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- cat /app/config/override.json

The first JSON file is from the container image, the second is from the ConfigMap volume mount.

Something’s not quite right though - the release setting is still coming from the environment variable:

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- cat /app/config/override.json

kubectl exec deploy/configurable -- printenv | grep __

The config hierarchy in this app puts environment variables ahead of settings in files, so they get overidden. You’ll need to understand the hierarchy for your apps to model config correctly.


Mapping configuration in ConfigMap YAML works well and it means you can deploy your whole app with kubectl apply. But it won’t suit every organization, and Kubernetes also supports creating ConfigMaps directly from values and config files - without any YAML.

Create two new ConfigMaps to support the Deployment in deployment-lab.yaml and set these values:

Stuck? Try hints or check the solution.

EXTRA Be careful with volume mounts

Volume mounts can overwrite existing directories

Loading ConfigMaps into volume mounts is very powerful, but there are a couple of gotchas to be aware of:

  1. Updating the ConfigMap does not trigger a Pod replacement; the new file contents are loaded into the volume mount, but the app in the container may ignore that if it only reads config files at startup;

  2. Volumes are not merged into the target path for a volume mount - if the directory already exists, the volume mount replaces it with the contents of the volume.

You can easily break your app if you get the volume mounts wrong:

kubectl apply -f labs/configmaps/specs/configurable/config-broken/

kubectl get pods -l app=configurable --watch

A new Pod gets created, errors and goes into CrashLoopBackoff.

# Ctrl-C

kubectl logs -l app=configurable,broken=bad-mount

The mount replaces the entire app folder, so there is no application to run :)

But the original Pod doesn’t get replaced:

kubectl get replicaset -l app=configurable 

The Deployment object won’t scale down the old ReplicaSet until the new one reaches desired capacity. Using a Deployment keeps your app safe from issues like this.


Cleanup by removing objects with this lab’s label:

kubectl delete configmap,deploy,svc,pod -l