Welcome to the Apps on Azure labs.
These are hands-on resources to help you learn building scalable apps on Azure.
- For Azure Portal Access
- Optional
- Install Visual Studio Code (free - Windows, macOS and Linux) to browse the repo and documentation
- Extentions - c#, Azure Tools, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Git Lens
- Software
- Download the course Slides here
Your lab environment
Clone the Courseware from https://github.com/Fasttrack-Azure/apps-on-azure.git
Note: Machines will be up 1 hour before the training start and it will automatically shut down 2 hours after the class end time.
Day 1
Azure Fundamentals
Azure App Services
Azure Storage
Day 2
Working with Azure SQL Database
Working with Azure Redis
Azure AD Integration
Kubernetes - Core Concepts
Day 3
Kubernetes and Azure
Application Modelling using Kubernetes
Operating Kubernetes
Day 4
Case Studies
Real Kubernetes